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lundi 1 août 2011


'Terra Cotta' (Italian for 'baked earth') is red burning earthenware, generally unglazed. Terracotta is normally used to make sculptures, tile, planters, garden and architectural ware. If ware is glazed the ware is often referred to as 'red earthenware' rather than the term 'Terra Cotta'. (Tony Hansen, DigitalFire)
I chose the expression « Terra Cotta » for my low-fire red/brown clays

« Terra Cotta » (Italien pour « terre cuite » est de la faience faite d’argile cuisant rouge, généralement non vitrifiée. La terre cuite est normalement employée pour faire des sculptures, des tuiles, des pots à fleurs, des articles pour le jardin, et architecturaux. Si les articles sont émaillés, ils sont souvent désignés « faience rouge » plutôt que Terra Cotta.
(Tony Hansen, DigitalFire)
J’ai choisi l'expression « Terra Cotta » pour mes terres rouge/brunes de basse température.

The recipes of the clays posted here are the results of a research project conducted 15 years ago by my friend Bernard Brunette and I.
Les recettes des argiles publiées ici sont les résultats d'un projet de recherche mené il y a 15 ans par mon ami Bernard Brunette et moi-même.

Cone 04 glaze recipes,
Recettes de glaçures de Cone 04



1- Alberta Slip :

A slip designed by the Archie Bray Foundation to substitute
for Albany slip.
Une argile conçue par la Fondation Archie Bray pour remplacer
l’Albany Slip qui n’est plus disponible.

Molecular Analysis
Analyse Moléculaire :

Na2O 0.12 Al2O3 0.54 SiO2 4.09
K2O 0.13 TiO2 0.02
MgO 0.31 Fe2O3 0.12
CaO 0.43
BaO 0.00


2-Ash Berhens :

Hardwood ash was used, washed 5 times and 60 mesh-sieved.
De la cendre de bois dur fut utilisée, lavée 5 fois et tamisée à 60 mailles.
We used Ash Berhens for ease of calculating molecular analyses.
Nous avons utilisé Ash Berhens pour faciliter le calcul des analyses moléculaires.

Richard Berhens, a famous glaze chemist, proposed a mixture of
raw materials to substitute for wood ash.
Richard Berhens, un célèbre chimiste céramique, a proposé un
mélange de matériaux de base pouvant être un substitut de la
cendre de bois.

This substitution has the following analysis.Cette substitution a l'analyse suivante :
Na2O 0.01 Al2O3 0.13 SiO2 0.47
K2O 0.04 P2O5 0.07
MgO 0.05 TiO2 0.01
CaO 0.90 Fe2O3 0.02

3-Bell Dark Ball Clay :

A very plastic american ball clay.
Un ball clay américain très plastique
Les ball clays sont des argiles réfractaires très plastiques.

Molecular Analysis
Analyse Moléculaire :

Na2O 0.13 Al2O3 20.37 SiO2 76.38
K2O 0.25 TiO2 1.76
MgO 0.37 Fe2O3 0.47
CaO 0.26

4-Bone Ash, Poudre d’Os *en Français).

Moleculat Analysis
Analyse Moléculaire :

CaO 1.00 P2O5 0.31


5-Cornish Stone :

Comes from St. Stephen, St. Austell, Cornwall, England.
Primarily contains soda feldspar, potash feldspar, quartz,
amorphous silica (opal), kaolinite, and fluorite.
Provient de St. Stephen, St. Austell, Cornwall, Angleterre.
Contient surtout du feldspath sodique, potassique, quartz,
de la silice amorphe, kaolinite et fluorite.

Molecular Analysis,
Analyse Moléculaire :

Na2O 0.40 Al2O3 1.19 SiO2 9.12
K2O 0.34 TiO2 0.01
MgO 0.03 Fe2O3 0.01
CaO 0.24

6-Custer Spar, Feldspath Custer :
It is a potassium spar mined in the USA,
C’est un feldspath potassique extrait aux USA.
Il peut être remplacé par le feldspath Custer.

Molecular Analysis,
Analyse Moléculaire `

Na2O 0.29 Al2O3 1.05 SiO2 7.11
K2O 0.68 Fe2O3 0.00
CaO 0.03

7-Edgar Plastic Kaolin (EPK) :

A secondary (sedimentary) kaolin. 97% kaolinite. Fairly plastic,
white firing, good for suspending glazes.
It comes from Florida, USA.
Un kaolin secondaire (sédimentaire) contenant 97% de kaolinite.
Relativement plastique, devient blanc à la cuisson, un bon agent
suspenseur pour glaçures.

Molecular Analysis,
Analyse Moléculaire :

Na2O 0.09 Al2O3 36.29 SiO2 75.38
K2O 0.35 P2O5 0.16
MgO 0.24 TiO2 0.46
CaO 0.32 Fe2O3 0.49

8-G-200 Spar :

Commonly used potash feldspar. In many cases can be substituted
for or by Custer.
Feldspath potassique utilisé souvent. Dans bien des cas, il peut être
remplacer par le feldspath Custer.

Molecular Analysis,
Analyse Moléculaire :

Na2O 0.28 Al2O3 1.02 SiO2 6.21
K2O 0.64 Fe2O3 0.00
CaO 0.08

9-Grog Chamotte :

Molecular Analysus
Analyse Molécular :

Na2O 0.36 Al2O3 14.25 SiO2 18.89
K2O 0.39 TiO2 0.71
MgO 0.18 Fe2O3 0.86
CaO 0.07

10-Goldart :

A plastic Ohio fire clay / stoneware clay.
Une terre réfractaire/grès plastique provenant de l’Ohio, USA.

Molecular Analysis,
Analyse Moléculaire :

Na2O 0.13 Al2O3 13.54 SiO2 46.27
K2O 0.51 TiO2 1.21
MgO 0.28 Fe2O3 0.38
CaO 0.08

11-Kona F-4 :

Commonly used soda feldspar; used in porcelains because of its
low iron content.
Un feldspath sodique couramment, utilisé dans les pâtes de
porcelaine vu sa basse teneur en fer.

Molecular Analysis,
Analyse Moléculaire :

Na2O 0.57 Al2O3 0.99 SiO2 5.74
K2O 0.26 Fe2O3 0.00
MgO 0.01
CaO 0.16

12-Local Red Ochre Ocre Rouge Local

Molecular Analysis,
Analyse Moléculaire :

MgO 0.19 Al2O3 13.33 SiO2 39.26
CaO 0.81 TiO2 1.04
Fe2O3 242.2


13-QIT Red Dust Poussière Rouge de QIT :

QIT stands for Quebec Iron and Titanium. QIT owns an ilmenite mine in
northeastern Quebec.The ore is shipped to Tracy where it is processed to
titanium dioxide slag, iron pigs, steel billets and steel autoparts. This dust
comes from the dust collecting system of the steelmelting departmentand has the following general formula:
FE2O3…………………. 85%
SIO2 ……………..…….5.0%
CAO ……………….….5.0%
MGO …………….……1.0%
ZNO ………………….2.0%
CARBON ……………2.0%
TOTAL …………..…100%

It was 170 mesh sieved.
A theoritical substitution is as follows for each 1% of the stuff :

Red Iron Oxide ………..0.820
Silica ………………...…..0.050
Whiting …………….…..0.060
Zinc oxide …………….0.020

It may be replaced by standard Ferric Oxide
on a 1 for 1 basis.

QIT –Fer et Titane du Québec possède une énorme mine d'ilménite dans le nord-est québecois. Le minerai est transporté par navire sur le fleuve St-Laurent jusqu’à Tracy où il est transformé en scories bioxyde de titane, fonte, billettes en acier et pièces automobiles entre autres. Cette poussière provient du système anti-pollution de son acierie, et a la formule générale suivante:

FE2O3 85%
SIO2 5.0%
CAO 5.0%
MGO 1.0%
ZNO 2.0%
TOTAL 100%

Ce déchet a été tamisé à 170 mailles.

La substitution théorique suivante peut s’appliquer pour chaque
1% de cette matière :

Oxyde de Fer Rouge 0.820
Silice 0.050
Carbonate de Calcium 0.060
Dolomie 0.050
Oxyde de Zinc 0.020
Total 1.000

On peut remplacer la Poussière Rouge de
QIT par de l'Oxyde de Fer Rouge

14-Kentucky OM-4 Ball Clay :

OM #4 is a fine-grained ball clay with good plasticity and
Un ball clay au grain fin ayant une bonne plasticité et force.
Les ball clays sont des argiles réfractaires très plastiques.

Molecular Analysis,
Analyse Moléculaire :

Na2O 0.16 Al2O3 8.90 SiO2 29.90
K2O 0.35 TiO2 0.49
MgO 0.32 Fe2O3 0.22
CaO 0.17

15-Redart Clay Argile Redart :

An iron-rich clay consisting of clay/shale deposits from a
prehistoric lake bed.Un argile riche en fer consistant en des dépots d'argile/schiste
provenant du lit d’un lac préhistorique.

Molecular Analysis,
Analyse Moléculaire :

Na2O 0.07 Al2O3 1.61 SiO2 11.47
K2O 0.47 P2O5 0.02
MgO 0.42 TiO2 0.14
CaO 0.05 Fe2O3 0.47


Équivalences des feldspaths
Américain = Français
1-Feldspath Potassique Custer = Feldspath ICE 10B (DAM)
2-Feldspath Sodique Kona F-4/ = Feldspath CR 79 (DAM)
3-Felspath Potassique G-200/ = Feldspath ICE 10B (DAM)

N.B : Le G-200 contient moins d’oxyde de calcium (CaO) que le Kona F-4. Mais je n’ai pas trouvé d’équivalence en France; donc on recommande l’utilisation du Custer partout où apparaît le G-200.

jeudi 28 juillet 2011

Terra Cotta C/04 #1

Redart 70
Kentucky OM #4 15
Silica 8
Talc 7
Grog 10

Na2O 0.4% Al2O3 19.3% SiO2 66.7%
K2O 3.1% P2O5 0.1%
MgO 3.2% TiO2 1.1%
CaO 0.8% Fe2O3 5.4%
MnO 0.0%

Volatiles: Other 5.4%
Loss On Ignition: 5.1%

Note : Good plasticity. 11/12

Terra Cotta C/04 #2

Redart 65
Kentucky OM #4 20
Frit 3134 5
Kona F-4 5
Silica 5
Grog 10

Na2O 1.2% Al2O3 20.8% SiO2 65.1%
K2O 3.1% B2O3 1.1% P2O5 0.1%
MgO 1.1% TiO2 1.1%
CaO 1.3% Fe2O3 5.1%

Volatiles: Other 5.4%
Loss On Ignition: 5.1%

Note : Good plasticity.
5% grog could be enough.

Terra Cotta C/04 #3

Redart 50
Kentucky OM #4 25
Talc 15
Kona F-4 5
Silica 5
Grog 10

Na2O 0.7% Al2O3 20.1% SiO2 64.5%
K2O 2.6% P2O5 0.1%
MgO 5.2% TiO2 1.0%
CaO 1.5% Fe2O3 4.2%
MnO 0.0%

Volatiles: Other 6.1%
Loss On Ignition: 5.8%

Note : Excellent plasticity 11/12.

Terra Cotta C/04 #4

Redart 75
Kentucky OM #4 15
Frit 3134 10
Grog 12.5

Na2O 1.4% Al2O3 20.7% SiO2 62.3%
K2O 3.2% B2O3 2.2% P2O5 0.2%
MgO 1.2% TiO2 1.2%
CaO 2.1% Fe2O3 5.7%

Volatiles: Other 5.1%
Loss On Ignition: 4.9%

Note :Very plastic, maybe too much.

Quebec ash clay C/04 #5a

Redart 44.44
Kentucky OM #4 20.29
Bentonite 2.42
Custer feldspar 16.43
Ash Berhens 7.73
Talc 5.8
QIT Red Dust 2.9
Grog 10

Na2O 0.9% Al2O3 20.8% SiO2 59.4%
K2O 3.9% P2O5 0.7%
MgO 2.7% TiO2 0.9%
CaO 4.3% Fe2O3 6.3%
MnO 0.0%
ZnO 0.1%

Volatiles: CO2 0.1%
Other 4.8%
Loss On Ignition: 4.6%

Note : Too plastic.
Too much bentonite.

Terra Cotta C/04 #5b

Redart 45
Kentucky OM #4 17
Kona F-4 24
Bone ash 4
Talc 7
QIT Red Dust 3
Grog 10

Na2O 1.9% Al2O3 20.5% SiO2 59.6%
K2O 3.2% P2O5 1.7%
MgO 2.8% TiO2 0.9%
CaO 3.3% Fe2O3 6.1%
MnO 0.0%
ZnO 0.1%

Volatiles: CO2 0.2%
Other 4.5%
Loss On Ignition: 4.5%

Note : Good plasticity.

Terra Cotta C/04 #6

Redart 63.73
Kentucky OM #4 14.71
Bentonite 0.98
Custer feldspar 9.8
Ash Berhens 9.8
QIT Red Dust 0.98
Grog 10

Na2O 0.7% Al2O3 21.0% SiO2 60.4%
K2O 4.0% P2O5 1.0%
MgO 1.3% TiO2 1.1%
CaO 4.6% Fe2O3 5.9%
ZnO 0.0%

Volatiles: CO2 0.0%
Other 4.7%
Loss On Ignition: 4.5%

Note : Very plastic 11.5/12

Terra Cotta C/04 #7a

Redart 59
Kentucky OM #4 14.74
Bentonite 0.99
Talc 14.78
Barium carbonate 0.49
Grog 10
Na2O 0.5% Al2O3 19.7% SiO2 62.8%
K2O 2.9% P2O5 0.1%
MgO 5.8% TiO2 1.1%
CaO 1.6% Fe2O3 5.2%
MnO 0.0%
BaO 0.4%

Volatiles: CO2 0.1% Other 5.8%
Loss On Ignition: 5.6%

Note : Too plastic.
Remove bentonite.:

Terra Cotta C/04 #7b

Redart 60
Kentucky OM #4 15
Talc 15
Silica 10
Grog 5

Na2O 0.4% Al2O3 16.2% SiO2 67.9%
K2O 2.7% P2O5 0.1%
MgO 5.6% TiO2 0.9%
CaO 1.5% Fe2O3 4.7%
MnO 0.0%

Volatiles: Other 5.6%
Loss On Ignition: 5.3%

Note : Good plasticity 11/12.

Terra Cotta C/ash 04 #8a

Redart 40.19
Kentucky OM #4 14.35
Bentonite 1.91
Custer feldspar 8.61
Silica 22.97
Ash Berhens 9.57
Barium carbonate 0.48
Local Red Ocre 1.91Grog 10

Na2O 0.6% Al2O3 17.3% SiO2 66.6%
K2O 3.0% P2O5 0.9%
MgO 0.9% TiO2 0.8%
CaO 4.4% Fe2O3 5.2%
BaO 0.4%

Volatiles: CO2 0.1%
Other 3.5%
Loss On Ignition: 3.5%

Note : Very plastic 11.5/12

Terra Cotta ash C/04 #8b

Redart 40
Kentucky OM #4 14
Bentonite 2
Custer feldspar 9
Silica 23
Ash Berhens 10
Local Red Ocre 2

Na2O 0.6% Al2O3 13.8% SiO2 69.4%
K2O 3.2% P2O5 1.0%
MgO 1.0% TiO2 0.7%
CaO 5.0% Fe2O3 5.3%

Volatiles: Other 3.8%
Loss On Ignition: 3.7%

Note : Very plastic 11.8/12.
Bentonite could be reduced.

Terra Cotta C/04 #9

Redart 53
Kentucky OM #4 20
Talc 15
Silica 10
Custer feldspar 2
Grog 5

Na2O 0.4% Al2O3 16.9% SiO2 67.7%
K2O 2.7% P2O5 0.1%
MgO 5.5% TiO2 0.9%
CaO 1.5% Fe2O3 4.3%
MnO 0.0%

Volatiles: Other 5.9%
Loss On Ignition: 5.6%

Note : Very plastic 11.8/12.

Terra Cotta C/04 #10

Redart 60
Kentucky OM #4 20
Talc 15
Silica 5
QIT Red Dust 1
Grog 5

Na2O 0.4% Al2O3 17.5% SiO2 65.5%
K2O 2.8% P2O5 0.1%
MgO 5.6% TiO2 1.0%
CaO 1.5% Fe2O3 5.6%
MnO 0.0%
ZnO 0.0%

Volatiles: CO2 0.0%
Other 6.2%
Loss On Ignition: 5.9%

Note : Superb clay.

Terra Cotta C/04 #11

Redart 60
Kentucky OM #4 20
Silica 10
Talc 10
Grog 10

Na2O 0.4% Al2O3 19.2% SiO2 66.8%
K2O 2.7% P2O5 0.1%
MgO 3.9% TiO2 1.1%
CaO 1.0% Fe2O3 4.8%
MnO 0.0%

Volatiles: Other 5.7%
Loss On Ignition: 5.4%

Note : Platic enough, 11.0/12.

Terra Cotta C/04 #12

Redart 50
Kentucky OM #4 25
Talc 15
Silica 5
Custer feldspar 5
Grog 10

Na2O 0.5% Al2O3 20.0% SiO2 64.6%
K2O 2.9% P2O5 0.1%
MgO 5.2% TiO2 1.0%
CaO 1.4% Fe2O3 4.2%
MnO 0.0%

Volatiles: Other 6.1%
Loss On Ignition: 5.8%

Note : Plastic enough

Terra Cotta 04 #13

Redart 50
Kentucky OM #4 20
Talc 15
Silica 5
Custer feldspar 5
Grog 10

Na2O 0.5% Al2O3 19.5% SiO2 64.7%
K2O 2.9% P2O5 0.1%
MgO 5.4% TiO2 1.0%
CaO 1.5% Fe2O3 4.3%
MnO 0.0%

Volatiles: Other 5.8%
Loss On Ignition: 5.5%

Note : Plastic enough 11/12

Terra Cotta C/04 #14

Redart 50
Kentucky OM #4 20
Talc 15
Silica 5
Custer feldspar 10

Na2O 0.6% Al2O3 16.0% SiO2 67.6%
K2O 3.5% P2O5 0.1%
MgO 5.7% TiO2 0.8%
CaO 1.6% Fe2O3 4.0%
MnO 0.0%

Volatiles: Other 6.1%
Loss On Ignition: 5.7%

Note : Very plastic 11.2/12

Terra Cotta C/04 #15

Redart 47
Kentucky OM #4 20
Kona F-4 16
Talc 15
Red iron oxide 2

Na2O 1.5% Al2O3 17.0% SiO2 64.1%
K2O 3.1% P2O5 0.1%
MgO 5.7% TiO2 0.8%
CaO 1.8% Fe2O3 5.9%
MnO 0.0%

Volatiles: Other 6.0%
Loss On Ignition: 5.6%

Note : Plastic enough.

Terra Cotta C/04 #16

Redart 55.56
Kentucky OM #4 19.19
Talc 14.14
Silica 10.1
QIT Red Dust 1.01
Grog 5

Na2O 0.4% Al2O3 16.7% SiO2 67.2%
K2O 2.6% P2O5 0.1%
MgO 5.3% TiO2 0.9%
CaO 1.5% Fe2O3 5.3%
MnO 0.0%
ZnO 0.0%

Volatiles: CO2 0.0%
Other 5.9%
Loss On Ignition: 5.6%

Note : Plastic enough.

Terra Cotta C/04 #17

Redart 55
Kentucky OM #4 15
Talc 15
Silica 10
Custer feldspar 5
QIT Red Dust 1
Grog 5

Na2O 0.5% Al2O3 16.1% SiO2 67.3%
K2O 3.0% P2O5 0.1%
MgO 5.4% TiO2 0.9%
CaO 1.5% Fe2O3 5.1%
MnO 0.0%
ZnO 0.0%

Volatiles: CO2 0.0%
Other 5.3%
Loss On Ignition: 5.1%

Note : Plastic enough.

Terra Cotta C/04 #18

Redart 50
Kentucky OM #4 15
Kona F-4 15
Silica 5
Talc 15
QIT Red Dust 1
Grog 5

Na2O 1.3% Al2O3 17.3% SiO2 65.5%
K2O 3.0% P2O5 0.1%
MgO 5.3% TiO2 0.8%
CaO 1.7% Fe2O3 4.8%
MnO 0.0%
ZnO 0.0%

Volatiles: CO2 0.0%
Other 5.1%
Loss On Ignition: 4.9%

Note : Plastic enough.

Terra Cotta C/04 #19

Redart 48.54
Kentucky OM #4 14.56
Bentonite 1.94
Talc 14.56
Silica 4.85
Kona F-4 14.56
Local Red Ocre 0.97
Grog 10

Na2O 1.4% Al2O3 19.0% SiO2 64.3%
K2O 2.9% P2O5 0.1%
MgO 5.0% TiO2 0.9%
CaO 1.7% Fe2O3 4.8%
MnO 0.0%

Other 4.7%
Loss On Ignition: 4.5%

Note : Very plastic 11.6/12.

Terra Cotta C/04 #20

Redart 60
Kentucky OM #4 15
Talc 15
Kona F-4 10
QIT Red Dust 1
Grog 5

Na2O 1.0% Al2O3 18.0% SiO2 64.0%
K2O 3.2% P2O5 0.1%
MgO 5.5% TiO2 0.9%
CaO 1.7% Fe2O3 5.5%
MnO 0.0%
ZnO 0.0%

Volatiles: CO2 0.0%
Other 5.6%
Loss On Ignition: 5.3%

Note : Excellent plasticity, 11/12.

Terra Cotta C/04 #21

Redart 50
Kentucky OM #4 15
Talc 15
Kona F-4 10
Silica 10
QIT Red Dust 1
Grog 5

Na2O 1.0% Al2O3 16.4% SiO2 67.2%
K2O 2.7% P2O5 0.1%
MgO 5.3% TiO2 0.8%
CaO 1.7% Fe2O3 4.8%
MnO 0.0%
ZnO 0.0%

Volatiles: CO2 0.0%
Other 5.1%
Loss On Ignition: 4.9%

Note : Plastic enough.

Terra Cotta C/04 #22

Redart 60
Kentucky OM #4 15
Talc 10
Silica 5
Kona F-4 10
QIT Red Dust 1
Grog 5

Na2O 1.0% Al2O3 17.9% SiO2 66.1%
K2O 3.2% P2O5 0.1%
MgO 4.0% TiO2 0.9%
CaO 1.3% Fe2O3 5.5%
MnO 0.0%
ZnO 0.0%

Volatiles: CO2 0.0%
Other 5.3%
Loss On Ignition: 5.0%

Note : Excellent plasticity, 11.5/12.

Terra Cotta C/04 #23

Redart 60
GoldArt 20
Silica 5
Talc 5
Kentucky OM #4 10

Na2O 0.3% Al2O3 19.0% SiO2 68.0%
K2O 3.0% P2O5 0.1%
MgO 2.7% TiO2 1.3%
CaO 0.7% Fe2O3 4.9%
MnO 0.0%

Volatiles: Other 6.7%
Loss On Ignition: 6.3%

Note : Very plastic, 11.8/12

Terra Cotta C/04 #24

Redart 65
Kentucky OM #4 15
Custer feldspar 10
Silica 10
QIT Red Dust 1
Grog 10

Na2O 0.6% Al2O3 19.9% SiO2 67.4%
K2O 3.8% P2O5 0.1%
MgO 1.1% TiO2 1.0%
CaO 0.3% Fe2O3 5.7%
ZnO 0.0%

Volatiles: CO2 0.0%
Other 4.7%
Loss On Ignition: 4.5%

Note : Excellent plasticity, 11/12

Terra Cotta C/04 #25

Redart 60
Kentucky OM #4 15
Talc 15
Silica 5
Custer feldspar 5
Grog 5

Na2O 0.5% Al2O3 17.1% SiO2 66.4%
K2O 3.2% P2O5 0.1%
MgO 5.6% TiO2 0.9%
CaO 1.5% Fe2O3 4.7%
MnO 0.0%

Volatiles: Other 5.6%
Loss On Ignition: 5.3%

Note : Plastic enough.

Terra Cotta C/04 #26

Bell Dark ball clay 23
Kentucky OM #4 23
Talc 17
Silica 15
Custer feldspar 17
QIT Red Dust 5

Na2O 0.7% Al2O3 16.6% SiO2 66.9%
K2O 2.2% TiO2 0.7%
MgO 5.6% Fe2O3 5.1%
CaO 2.0%
MnO 0.0%
ZnO 0.1%

Volatiles: CO2 0.1%
Other 6.6%
Loss On Ignition: 6.3%

Note : Very plastic, 11.5/12

Terra Cotta C/04 #27

Bell Dark ball clay 23
Kentucky OM #4 23
Custer feldspar 17
Talc 17
Silica 16
QIT Red Dust 4

Na2O 0.7% Al2O3 16.6% SiO2 67.9%
K2O 2.2% TiO2 0.7%
MgO 5.6% Fe2O3 4.2%
CaO 1.9%
MnO 0.0%
ZnO 0.1%

Volatiles: CO2 0.1%
Other 6.6%
Loss On Ignition: 6.3%

Note : Very good plasticity, 11.2/12

Terra Cotta C/04 #28

Alberta slip 10
Kentucky OM #4 29
EPK 29
Kona F-4 14
Talc 14
QIT Red Dust 4
Grog 5

Na2O 1.4% Al2O3 26.8% SiO2 57.2%
K2O 1.5% P2O5 0.1%
MgO 4.9% TiO2 0.6%
CaO 2.5% Fe2O3 4.9%
MnO 0.0%
ZnO 0.1%
BaO 0.0%

Volatiles: CO2 0.1%
Other 8.8%
Loss On Ignition: 8.2%

Note : Plastic enough.

Terra Cotta C/04 #29

Alberta slip 10
Kentucky OM #4 29
EPK 29
Kona F-4 14
Silica 14
QIT Red Dust 4
Grog 5

Na2O 1.3% Al2O3 26.5% SiO2 63.2%
K2O 1.5% P2O5 0.1%
MgO 0.6% TiO2 0.6%
CaO 1.2% Fe2O3 4.8%
ZnO 0.1%
BaO 0.0%

Volatiles: CO2 0.1%
Other 8.0%
Loss On Ignition: 7.5%

Note : Very plastic, 11.6/12.

Terra Cotta C/04 #30

Bell Dark ball clay 29
Kentucky OM #4 29
Talc 14
Frit 3134 10
Nepheline syenite 5
GoldArt 9
QIT Red Dust 4
Grog 10

Na2O 1.8% Al2O3 24.3% SiO2 57.0%
K2O 0.8% B2O3 2.3% TiO2 1.2%
MgO 4.4% Fe2O3 4.5%
CaO 3.5%
MnO 0.0%
ZnO 0.1%

Volatiles: CO2 0.1%
Other 8.1%
Loss On Ignition: 7.6%

Note : Plastic enough.

Terra Cotta C/04 #31

Bell Dark ball clay 22
Kentucky OM #4 22
EPK 25
Silica 20
Cornish Stone 8
QIT Red Dust 3
Grog 5

Na2O 0.4% Al2O3 26.3% SiO2 67.2%
K2O 0.8% P2O5 0.1%
MgO 0.2% TiO2 0.9%
CaO 0.5% Fe2O3 3.6%
ZnO 0.1%

Volatiles: CO2 0.1%
Other 8.9%
Loss On Ignition: 8.2%

Note : Very plastic, 11.5/12.
Superb clay.

Terra Cotta C/04 #32

Alberta slip 10
Kentucky OM #4 29
Redart 18
GoldArt 10
Kona F-4 10
Silica 10
QIT Red Dust 3
Grog 10

Na2O 1.2% Al2O3 23.5% SiO2 64.3%
K2O 2.2% P2O5 0.0%
MgO 0.9% TiO2 1.0%
CaO 1.2% Fe2O3 5.6%
ZnO 0.1%
BaO 0.0%

Volatiles: CO2 0.1%
Other 5.8%
Loss On Ignition: 5.5%

Note : Very plastic, 11.5/12.

Terra Cotta C/04 #33

Bell Dark ball clay 21.9
Kentucky OM #4 21.9
EPK 21.9
Cornish Stone 21.9
Silica 7.62
QIT Red Dust 4.76
Grog 5

Na2O 0.9% Al2O3 27.2% SiO2 63.2%
K2O 1.4% P2O5 0.1%
MgO 0.2% TiO2 0.9%
CaO 0.8% Fe2O3 5.1%
ZnO 0.1%

Volatiles: CO2 0.1%
Other 8.4%
Loss On Ignition: 7.8%

Note : Very plastic, 11.5/12

Terra Cotta C/04 #34

Kentucky OM #4 36.19
EPK 26.57
Cornish Stone 11.43
Silica 9.52
Kona F-4 8.57
QIT Red Dust 4.76
Grog 5

Na2O 1.2% Al2O3 28.0% SiO2 62.1%
K2O 1.5% P2O5 0.1%
MgO 0.3% TiO2 0.7%
CaO 0.8% Fe2O3 5.3%
ZnO 0.1%

Volatiles: CO2 0.1%
Other 8.9%
Loss On Ignition: 8.2%

Note : Very plastic, 11,7/12.

Terra Cotta C/04 #35

EPK 37.5
Kentucky OM #4 30.77
Frit 3134 9.62
Silica 9.62
Talc 6.73
Bentonite 0.96
QIT Red Dust 4.81

Na2O 1.3% Al2O3 25.4% SiO2 58.6%
K2O 0.5% B2O3 2.5% P2O5 0.1%
MgO 2.5% TiO2 0.6%
CaO 3.3% Fe2O3 5.3%
MnO 0.0%
ZnO 0.1%

Volatiles: CO2 0.1%
Other 10.5%
Loss On Ignition: 9.6%

Note : Very plastic, 11.5/12.
Superb clay.

Terra Cotta C/04 #36

Bell Dark ball clay 22
Kentucky OM #4 20
EPK 30
Silica 19
G-200 feldspar 5
QIT Red Dust 4

Na2O 0.3% Al2O3 26.1% SiO2 66.5%
K2O 1.0% P2O5 0.1%
MgO 0.2% TiO2 0.8%
CaO 0.4% Fe2O3 4.5%
ZnO 0.1%

Volatiles: CO2 0.1%
Other 9.9%
Loss On Ignition: 9.1%

Note : Very plastic, 11.5/12

Terra Cotta 04 #37

Kentucky OM #4 34
Silica 20
Talc 32
Custer feldspar 9
QIT Red Dust 5
Bentonite 3
Grog 5

Na2O 0.6% Al2O3 14.0% SiO2 65.6%
K2O 1.3% TiO2 0.5%
MgO 9.7% Fe2O3 5.0%
CaO 3.2%
MnO 0.1%
ZnO 0.1%

Volatiles: CO2 0.1%
Other 5.9%
Loss On Ignition: 5.7%

Note : Very plastic, 11.5/12.

Terra Cotta 04 #38

Kentucky OM #4 30
Bell Dark ball clay 22
Silica 3
Talc 35
Bone ash 5
QIT Red Dust 5

Na2O 0.3% Al2O3 15.7% SiO2 56.8%
K2O 0.4% P2O5 2.3%
MgO 11.7% TiO2 0.8%
CaO 6.6% Fe2O3 5.3%
MnO 0.1
ZnO 0.1%

Volatiles: CO2 0.3%
Other 8.7%
Loss On Ignition: 8.2%

Note : Plastic enough.

Terra Cotta C/04 #39

Redart 18
Kentucky OM #4 17
Silica 21
Wollastonite 20
Kona F-4 20
QIT Red Dust 4
Bentonite 3

Na2O 1.6% Al2O3 12.0% SiO2 68.0%
K2O 1.9% P2O5 0.0%
MgO 0.5% TiO2 0.4%
CaO 10.4% Fe2O3 5.0%
ZnO 0.1%

Volatiles: CO2 0.1%
Other 3.0%
Loss On Ignition: 3.0%

Note : Too plastic, diificult to thin.
Bentonite should be reduced dramatically.
Maybe 3 to 1%.

mercredi 27 juillet 2011

Terra Cotta C/04 #40

Bell Dark ball clay 18
Kentucky OM #4 18
Silica 25
Talc 6
Kona F-4 28
QIT Red Dust 5
Bentonite 2

Na2O 2.1% Al2O3 16.2% SiO2 71.0%
K2O 1.6% TiO2 0.6%
MgO 2.1% Fe2O3 4.9%
CaO 1.4%
MnO 0.0%
ZnO 0.1%

Volatiles: CO2 0.1%
Other 4.7%
Loss On Ignition: 4.5%

Note : Too plastic. Bentonite should be reduced to 1% in a first step.

Terra Cotta C/04 #41

Bell Dark ball clay 28
Kentucky OM #4 28
Silica 30
Kona F-4 13
QIT Red Dust 5
Grog 10

Na2O 1.0% Al2O3 21.4% SiO2 69.8%
K2O 1.0% TiO2 1.0%
MgO 0.2% Fe2O3 4.9%
CaO 0.6%
ZnO 0.1%

Volatiles: CO2 0.1%
Other 6.0%
Loss On Ignition: 5.8%

Note : Very plastic, 11.6/12

Terra Cotta C/04 #42

Kentucky OM #4 31
Silica 29
Talc 4
Kona F-4 16
Custer feldspar 13
QIT Red Dust 7
Bentonite 3

Na2O 1.7% Al2O3 14.8% SiO2 71.2%
K2O 2.5% TiO2 0.4%
MgO 1.5% Fe2O3 6.5%
CaO 1.2%
MnO 0.0%
ZnO 0.1%

Volatiles: CO2 0.1%
Other 4.2%
Loss On Ignition: 4.2%

Note : Plastic enough.

Terra Cotta C/04 #43

Bell Dark ball clay 15
Kentucky OM #4 15
EPK 10
Custer feldspar 29
Silica 24
Talc 2
QIT Red Dust 5
Bentonite 2
Grog 5

Na2O 1.0% Al2O3 19.6% SiO2 69.1%
K2O 3.2% P2O5 0.0%
MgO 0.8% TiO2 0.6%
CaO 0.7% Fe2O3 4.9%
MnO 0.0%
ZnO 0.1%

Volatiles: CO2 0.1%
Other 4.9%
Loss On Ignition: 4.7%

Note : Plastic enough.

Terra Cotta C/04 #44

Bell Dark ball clay 12
Kentucky OM #4 12
Silica 24
Talc 20
Kona F-4 26
QIT Red Dust 6
Bentonite 3

Na2O 2.0% Al2O3 12.4% SiO2 69.1%
K2O 1.4% TiO2 0.4%
MgO 6.3% Fe2O3 5.6%
CaO 2.6%
MnO 0.0%
ZnO 0.1%

Volatiles: CO2 0.1%
Other 3.9%
Loss On Ignition: 3.9%

Note : Too plastic.
Bentonite should be reduced according to taste.

Terra Cotta C/04 #45

EPK 10
Kentucky OM #4 20
Bell Dark ball clay 20
Wollastonite 20
Silica 14
Kona F-4 10
QIT Red Dust 6

Na2O 0.8% Al2O3 17.8% SiO2 62.7%
K2O 0.8% P2O5 0.0%
MgO 0.2% TiO2 0.7%
CaO 10.9% Fe2O3 6.0%
ZnO 0.1%

Volatiles: CO2 0.1%
Other 6.4%
Loss On Ignition: 6.2%

Note : Superb clay.

Terra Cotta C/04 #46

EPK 10
Kentucky OM #4 20
Bell Dark ball clay 20
Silica 10
Kona F-4 10
Wollastonite 25
QIT Red Dust 5

Na2O 0.8% Al2O3 17.8% SiO2 61.1%
K2O 0.8% P2O5 0.0%
MgO 0.2% TiO2 0.7%
CaO 13.4% Fe2O3 5.1%
ZnO 0.1%

Volatiles: CO2 0.1%
Other 6.4%
Loss On Ignition: 6.1%

Note : Perfect plasticity

Terra Cotta C/04 #47

Redart 58
Kentucky OM #4 15
Silica 19
Kona F-4 8
Grog 5

Na2O 0.9% Al2O3 17.2% SiO2 72.1%
K2O 3.0% P2O5 0.1%
MgO 1.0% TiO2 0.9%
CaO 0.3% Fe2O3 4.5%

Volatiles: Other 4.7%
Loss On Ignition: 4.5%

Note : Perfect plasticity.

Terra Cotta C/04 #48

Redart 18
Kentucky OM #4 24
Silica 29
Kona F-4 13
Custer feldspar 11
QIT Red Dust 5
Bentonite 2

Na2O 1.5% Al2O3 14.6% SiO2 73.3%
K2O 2.8% P2O5 0.0%
MgO 0.5% TiO2 0.5%
CaO 0.7% Fe2O3 6.0%
ZnO 0.1%

Volatiles: CO2 0.1%
Other 4.0%
Loss On Ignition: 3.9%

Note : Perfect plasticity.

Terra Cotta C/04 #49

Kentucky OM #4 30
EPK 10
Custer feldspar 28
Silica 25
QIT Red Dust 7
Bentonite 2

Na2O 1.0% Al2O3 18.0% SiO2 69.5%
K2O 3.3% P2O5 0.0%
MgO 0.3% TiO2 0.4%
CaO 0.7% Fe2O3 6.7%
ZnO 0.1%

Volatiles: CO2 0.1%
Other 5.4%
Loss On Ignition: 5.2%

Note : Perfect plasticity.